Search Engine Rankings

Higher Search Engine Rankings - Lower Search Engine Optimization Costs

Isn't this what every company wants from their SEO services provider? Especially in the local marketplace where more visitors to your website can mean more visitors through your door and in turn greater potential for sales and profit.

One of our clients has kindly given us permission to share with you their local search engine ranking results & national search engine ranking positions to demonstrate our abilities to perform where it matters AND at minimum costs to your company.

Organic search engine rankings within Google are free, with ZERO cost per click revenue necessary to turn potential leads into visitors through your website. Below is a series of screen shots we took of search engine positions for our client who is in the timber buildings market and requested from us a series of targeted markets that they were interested in securing further leads and customers through their website.

Local Search Engine Rankings - Yeovil, Somerset

This first example was for the term yeovil sheds, although the page does rather well for most combinations of phrases with the term shed and yeovil within the search terms. As you can see from the screen capture we managed to secure the top spot in the general search engine rankings whilst also capturing top spot for the google local searches.

Update : 25.01.2014 ...  Since 01/05/2013 We No Longer Supply The SEO Needs Of The Example ... Therefore Cannot Be Held Responsible For Any Loss In Search Engine Rankings 

Local Search Engine Rankings - Swindon, Wiltshire

This example is of a specific local target being Swindon .. in this case a three pronged attack was preferred, placing sheds, workshops and garages all within the firing line. As you can see the 'timber workshops' phrase worked quite nicely as did other terms for sheds and garages within the locality. We managed to secure both top spots even though the second page was for a different geographical location, that of Salisbury, Wiltshire.

Update : 25.01.2014 ...  Since 01/05/2013 We No Longer Supply The SEO Needs Of The Example ... Therefore Cannot Be Held Responsible For Any Loss In Search Engine Rankings

Global Search Engine Rankings - UK & Worldwide

This example is for the general term custom buildings which is a desired phrase of a company that specializes in Custom Timber Buildings. Note the very large number of competing sites yet in the UK the company sits happily at the top. Across the pond in the US & worldwide the company also hold a very strong top 5 position. 

Since we took this screenshot the number of competing websites has actually increased dramatically across the UK search engine rankings, yet the website holds fast at #1

Update : 25.01.2014 ...  Since 01/05/2013 We No Longer Supply The SEO Needs Of The Example ... Therefore Cannot Be Held Responsible For Any Loss In Search Engine Rankings

These were just a few examples of our dedication to produce results within the search engine rankings for any company wishing to increase traffic and potential sales to their website. If you wish to know more or have any questions, you may comment in the boxes below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

You could of course CALL US on 01935 480785 and discuss how we could help your company grow.


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  2. Indeed, I'm looking for an article about Online Marketing Company Experts because I want to learn something new. This is very popular in this world and many companies using this as their strategies to level-up their rankings. I learn so much for this article because of it contain a very great tips and guide. Thank you for sharing this with us.
